An Interview With Jim Karol, Author of “Ultimate Memory Magic”

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The following is an interview with Mentalist Jim Karol, the author of Ultimate Memory Magic: The Transformative Program for Sharper Memory, Mental Clarity, and Greater Focus…at Any Age!

About The Author

From the website of the book’s publicist, Macmillan Publishers:

Jim Karol is living proof that radical life transformation happens when we sharpen our thinking and regain our mental edge. After employing daily memory-improvement techniques coupled with lifestyle changes, Jim grew from an unmotivated Pennsylvania steel worker to a “memory phenom” and in-demand motivational speaker. Today, Jim’s “better mind, better life” message is resonating with people from all walks of life—from Hollywood actors and pro-athletes to Ivy League academics.

A Brief Background

Karol was born in Allenton, Pennsylvania. He was bullied and shy. Instead of playing sports, he played cards and trucks. Because he was bullied, his grades slipped to Cs and Ds, cumulating in a 1.2 grade point average. After he failed a subject, receiving an F-, he had to go to summer school.

His Transition from Steel Mill to Heart Problem

While working at the steel mill, I met a fellow employee who owned a magic shop. After losing my job at the mill, I took over my wife’s Avon account (because she was 7 months pregnant) and went door to door selling Avon, using the card tricks as an ice breaker.

Doing this led to me becoming an entertainer full time.

I developed the heart problem at 49 and began memorizing information while riding an exercise bike (to keep from being bored), not knowing that it was going to lead into what I am today.

Jim Karol
The Beginning of His Career as a Mentalist

Karol’s plan to sharpen his mind began with what he was eating. He changed his diet from “…addicting comfort food…” to “…all things heart-healthy”. As he was riding his exercise bike, Karol was beginning to memorize memory tricks. The tricks included connecting names with numbers, learning the capitals of every state, zip codes, “a hundred digits of pi a day”, and memorizing an entire deck of cards instead of watching TV.

How He Changed the Lives of Ninth Graders

One day, after he became famous as a mentalist, Karol got a call from the principal of a high school in Pennsylvania. He wanted Karol to help reach 22 ninth graders who were failing subjects. The kids were smart, but they never attended school and were about to flunk out of school. School administrators were not sure how to reach these boys. They needed to be motivated.

Karol continued that the kids recognized him from the film “Jackass”. Once they recognized him, he had the students’ attention. Karol began to teach them math tricks and “cool card tricks”. After he taught them a trick on how to learn the names of the first 10 presidents, he asked for volunteers to write out a memory plan for the other presidents. The students became motivated to learn. Karol said some of the kids needed a boost to learn.

After wrapping up a card trick, Karol gave them a challenge: if the students were able to learn the names of all the presidents using the technique Karol showed them, they would receive Karol’s DVD entitled “Jim Karol’s Cool Card Tricks. Karol would also take all of the students and their families to a New York Yankees game. All 22 of the students graduated from high school.

Beating the Myths

The first part of Karol’s book focuses on beating three myths that can potentially determine whether anyone at any age can learn how to keep their mind sharp. These myths, and their truths, are:

  • Not Smart Enough to “My Brain Can Improve”
  • Too Weak to “My Health Can Improve”
  • I Think I’m Too Old to “My Quality of Life Can Improve”

Seniors 60 and older tend to believe they are not smart enough/too weak/too old to think about improving their memory. Perhaps they don’t feel motivated enough, or they merely accept that they won’t be able to remember things as they get older.

Karol said that people can learn at any age. They can learn whether through trivial pursuit (one of my personal favorites) or monopoly. The point, Karol said, is to make it fun. Karol said that learning things such as card tricks and connecting celebrity names with numbers can help improve memory. He added that people must stay focused to improve their memory, but it can be done one step at a time. Karol said that sharpening your memory builds up self-esteem and confidence. To sharpen one’s memory requires stimulating it so that the brain sees new information daily. It is helpful when the brain sees information in a different order daily.

How To Avoid Cognitive Decline

Karol found that that brain starts to age after age 30. However, with a few simple steps, new neurons can be born after age 60. As long as people remain positive and have a goal, they can increase their memory, Karol continued. He said that if people really want to increase their memory, they have to want to work at it. People need to be passionate to do the work to help sharpen their memory. It can be done through card tricks, imaging playing cards to celebrities, connecting names of celebrities with numbers, or reading.

ESPN – “The Absolute Key to Brain Health and Wellness”

Karol’s unique approach to brain health and wellness and how it helps improve memory is as follows:


“We know the benefits of PHYSICAL exercise, here are some benefits of MENTAL exercise:

  • Enhances Cognitive Abilities!
  • SLOWS DOWN the Brain Aging Process!

A Good Night’s Sleep:

  • Enables our Glymphatic System to CLEAN UP OUR BRAIN and remove HARMFUL TOXINS! (It’s kind of like our brain’s own personal maid service)
  • LACK OF SLEEP can elevate blood pressure, inflammation, and stress levels!

Positive Thought:

  • Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem!
  • Reduces STRESS!
  • Helps Stimulate CREATIVITY and a HEALTHY MIND!

Good Nutrition:

  • Reduces the risk of High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease!
  • Helps BALANCE and ENHANCE most of our Neurotransmitters!”

Karol said that all of these steps are much better to sharpen memory than medication, because there are no side effects.

The Benefits of Exercise in Improved Memory

Karol shared in his book that “…daily exercise increases antioxidant activity…” He offered two additional benefits to his “dual approach to exercise:”

  • People become more energized.
  • “We are able to increase mental challenges”.

How Playing Cards Improves Memory

Karol shared in his book that as he was on his exercise bike, he was memorizing a deck of cards. He would eventually develop card tricks as a result of his knowledge of the order of a deck of cards. Karol also highly recommended card games such as poker to help your memory. He said poker helps with social skills and relieves stress. Karol also recommended virtual poker as the covid-19 pandemic continues. He said that card games such as poker helps get people excited when their pupils dilate.

Karol also mentioned that playing cards helps increase cognitive intelligence. Playing cards is helpful in conversing truth and integrity in verbal and non-verbal communication. It increases the ability to gain information on clues whether someone is being truthful or lying without verbal communication. Karol also said that playing cards builds self-esteem because it requires them to use their brain in a way that is new to them. Playing cards helps people notice things they may not have before. It turns negativity to positivity.

How A Sharper Memory Helps People of All Ages

Karol said the best thing a senior can do is laugh and have a sense of humor. Throughout the interview, Karol emphasized having a positive attitude. He said that learning to sharpen the mind takes one step at a time. Karol added that seniors, or anyone else, needs “to walk before you run” as they learn to improve their memory. He also said that it is helpful when seniors surround themselves with people who are supportive and who will lift them up. Karol recommended that when people feel stressed, they close their eyes and take a deep breath. When they feel it is difficult to regain their memory, seniors can begin to think of their family and friends.


Karol wrote in his book that we “can preserve and even enhance our memory and other aspects of mental function”. He also wrote that the “mind, body and emotions are interconnected”. Karol said that improving our memory opens up a whole new world that is filled with positive and negative emotions that are good and evil. Improving our memory helps keep the brain positive so that any negative/evil thoughts can be overcome, he said.

Nobody is too old, too weak, or not smart enough to improve their memory. When people surround themselves with positive people, their lifestyles can change. As Daniel G. Amen, M.D. wrote in the forward of Karol’s book, “No matter what your age, mental exercise has a global, positive effect on the brain”. When people learn to sharpen their memory, anything is possible. It helps anyone of any age to realize that they “can do anything”.

Further Information

Karol’s book Ultimate Memory Magic: The Transformative Program for Sharper Memory, Mental Clarity, and Greater Focus . . . at Any Age! is for anyone of any age who wants to sharpen their memory and improve their quality of life.